
Crazed Lady Drinks Cocktail

Monday 30 June 2008

I'm an excellent driver.

yeah..yeahh..and I love Judge Wapner too. So I passed my driving test on the second attempt. What a rotten thing it is to worry. I was so anxious about this test that my sleeping was affected. I was pretty damn miserable and the craziest thing is that you are in complete control of your outlook on events. Worrying gives us a sense of control about our lives. It seems as though we have power as we think we are prepared for any outcome. Not true.
I was getting so upset when I made mistakes, which inevitably will happen because driving is a skill gained with practice. I chose to believe that driving was a reflection of my personal worth and that if I were to fail again it would be a disaster.
When I got the good news, I was really pleased but the instructor did make it clear that the license means nothing. You could leave the centre and peel up the road at 150km taking pedestrians up under your wheels.The passing of the test is only a snapshot of your driving on that day at that time. But I am super happy that I never have to take a lesson again!!!