
Crazed Lady Drinks Cocktail

Friday 28 September 2007

The Cohabitor

So I recently moved in with my boyfriend. I am the Cohabitor! A bit like the Terminator but not as scary or metallic (except for that metal plate in my ass that I got in 'Nam). It's nice, a bit of a learning curve. It's still new to come home to see someone and think 'I live with this person'. I've got the gaff to myself for an evening and that's good too. I've already gone to the loo with the door open and burped around the place. It's lovely living with someone but it is still cool to have a bit of time on your own. I don't think I've mad any ground shattering breakthroughs here. People move in together all the time. It's just happened to me and I'm the centre of the universe so bow down before me, puny earthlings! Thank You