
Crazed Lady Drinks Cocktail

Sunday 15 April 2007

Summertime (sorta) and the living is not easy

So we have had an amazing spell of good weather and with this I knew it would soon be time for the jerk comments I have entertained for the many years of customer service I have given, the predictable "It's gorgeous outside, but you wouldn't know that since you are inside." or "Isn't it a crime to be working inside on such a glorious day?" A pity smile usually accompanies same. As a nation we talk entirely too much about the weather. But I have fielded an experiment in my current job to not mention the weather to any customer or engage in the topic when it frequently arises. The experiment has been too painful to carry through because people think you are weird if you don't talk about the weather or they end up drawing the conclusion that you are an ignorant prick because you have rudely brought attention to the fact that talking about the weather is banal and they might as well throw themselves off the conversation cliff. I know a Polish girl who told me once how bizarre she thinks it is that all we talk about is the weather, in Poland they talk politics but off course different strokes for different folks!

Of course the weather is sucky the weekend I'm off.

See? Vicious circle.